The Print Marketing Materials are the best and traditional way to design a marketing strategy for your business. They are presented in different formats like brochures, flyers, stickers, stationery, magazines, newspaper ads, poster ads, billboard ads, and so much more. The main point here is to print the information, to sell and promote a brand with a product or service.
Even when the future is presenting a world without printed things, the print marketing materials still maintain their power. They can have many benefits for businesses, for example, people can remember the brand easily from print material, then from their social media, this is because many people still preferred read a magazine or newspaper than their digital version; furthermore, people trust the ads display on those media, than the digital ones.
So the goal today for businesses is to combine print and digital material. The first ones are always good to display brand awareness; meanwhile, the digital is good to engage the user that already knows your brand. Another good point of print advertising is that it can show creative ways to portrait brand uniqueness. But today, print and digital marketing must work together to increase the brand popularity, check out more about this!
Benefits of Print Marketing Materials with QR Codes
Many print ads can be found in public spaces like the subway or bus stops, and many of them display fresh ways to engage the audience in their digital platforms, like social media or their apps. But it will be better if the ad has a QR Code to facilitate the search of social media or the app. Read how this works!
Print to digital
The best here is to put a QR Code in every print advertising that the brand wants to have, that way the users can scan the code and automatically goes to the brand’s social media, a landing page, a presentation video, or the brand’s app, just by using a smartphone or tablet.
Keep a track with the marketing campaign
Another great benefit of having QR Codes in print marketing materials is the chance to have a track record, monitoring the metrics that the QR code presents. Many of these metrics can be integrated with Google Analytics, giving an inside of the digital and the print campaign, of course with the print won’t be 100% accurate, but it can provide useful data.
QR Codes are entirely customizable
Following the colors and design of the print material campaign, the QR codes can be customizable to combine with it. From colors to size, any QR code can be placed in any print material without ruining the design. They are even adding a frame with a short but precise call to action. Besides this, an excellent benefit for designers is the feature of download the code in any format like JPG, PNG, EPS, and SVG; this way, they can add the code to any design with their preferred program; and they can be in any size.
QR Codes are editable, so no reprinting
With the Dynamic QR Codes, they can edit it to change their display information. That way, there is no need to reprint the materials. This is perfect for showing innovations and features, without changing the design or creating a new printed campaign.
Best Examples of Print Marketing Materials with QR Codes
This are the best examples of printed marketing materials with QR codes.
- Magazine and newspaper ads: they work amazingly with any campaign because magazines and newspapers are the most popular printed products. The advertisements within the pages can offer many things, but a QR Code there is the best for the brand.
- Poster ads: posters are incredible to announce events in the city. What better way to promote a concert, a festival, or a market than with a banner? And if you include a QR Code there, the user access to more information with just one scan.
- Brochures and flyers: these are a classic tactic in the marketing world, but they have been upgraded to show a QR Code with more information about the product, service, or event display on them.
- Product packaging: many users, when buying a new product, would like to know about more it, the best way to resolve this is with a QR Code. For example, a product that needs ensemble, the manual can be present with a code that allows the user to download a PDF file of it.
These are just a few examples of print marketing materials. Still, there are more that can offer many benefits for your brand and the users, especially if you mix the print and the digital aspect of your marketing campaign. Check out more useful uses of the QR Code with the blog, and don’t forget to follow us on our social media!

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