During quarantine time, many businesses have to adapt to drastic changes to keep a constant revenue stream. But this is easier said than done, many companies are struggling with these changes and customers too. However, one of the significant peaks about technology is how it can be used to solve problems, so to backup business information, QR Codes are becoming the heroes in this pandemic.
QR codes are useful for every business.
One of the primary rules in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic outbreak is social distancing, for that reason having a way to order something, pay purchase with no cash or no credit cars, check out a catalog or a restaurant’s menu, read the relevant information, the newspaper or magazines, and other such normal day-to-day activities are now done without touching anything.
There is where the QR Codes play a considerable role in backup business information, helping customers to know everything about a business, with the benefits of not having to go out and touching objects and surfaces. With a QR code, everybody can have access to every business information with handy features like the following.
– Easy to use: one of the significant points in the popularity of the QR Codes is that everybody with a smartphone can read them. The newest model automatically scans the codes with the camera. For older models, there are many apps in the different app stores to scan QR Codes.
– Different types of codes: the variety of uses for QR Codes are increasing with the years. There are so many types from videos, images, landing pages, marketing campaigns, app store links, social media links, catalogs, restaurants’ menu, events, and many more options.
– Perfect for social distancing: QR Codes are ideal to fulfill the social distancing rules because there isn’t a minimum scan distance, so they require zero physical contact to be used. If the QR Code is large enough and with high image quality, it doesn’t matter how far away the code is scanned.
– Starter point into digitalization: of course, the QR Codes are perfect in these quarantine times, but after the lockdown period, the digitalization process is still there for every business that is thinking about the future. Going into digital with the help of QR Codes will continue to pay off in years to come.
How do I back up my business with QR codes?
The QR Codes complement entirely so many companies, especially to backup business information. Right now, they help with social distancing. Still, after the pandemic is over, they will help with print and digital marketing, besides it is another step into digitalization. Check out different examples of how the backup is done.
– Contactless information: many kinds of research shows that the virus can survive on surfaces for 2 to 3 days. For that reason presenting paperless and contactless information has become essential. With the use of a PDF QR Code, many businesses are offering catalogs, menus, ebooks, magazines, and other printed products. Another benefit of this method is that the company can save money from writing seasonal products or making small changes to them.
– Communication with customers: with social media QR Codes, any business can have the opportunity to communicate with their customers, attending their request, and answering any question or doubt. But with the codes, small companies can work together to face any obstacle and to have a good network among other businesses. Besides that, platforms like Instagram work incredibly well with QR Codes to advertise products. They have an open communication channel with customers.
– Taking advantage of the physical place: during this quarantine, physical spaces like stores, kiosks, shops, food trucks, or restaurants are close. But those spaces have many advantages, to advertise the digital changes that every business is implementing. And QR Codes are the best allies here. Think about it: put a large QR Code in the display window or even the wall, with the close customers access to online catalogs, menus, services, and others can become in a purchase or application.
– Forget cash or credit cards: delivery has become one of the strongest points in the COVID-19 pandemic, but at the beginning, many were concerned about payments because cash could be potentially dangerous the same with credits or debit cards. But QR Codes were the answer, setting ordering systems that allow customers to pay in advance with the QR Code. Another method is a digital wallet that many users are starting to get to know.
– Brand loyalty: another great way to use QR Codes to backup business information is to keep growing the brand loyalty from your customers, offering them new services or even small products about the brand.
The uses for QR Codes in the COVID-19 pandemic are infinite, especially for small and medium businesses; not only can they backup business information, but they can also have a constant revenue stream and even save money when the quarantine is entirely over. Here at MyQRBC, offer you all the different types of QR Codes to help your business grow.

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