Mexico: How to Pay Through QR Codes

Payments with QR codes are a relatively new form of payment in the country of Mexico. As we have always talked about QR codes, they are a method that allows you to make transactions in seconds. Digital payment in Mexico Paying in this way is done in a few seconds: -You must have an intelligent […]
Conoce a los inventores destacados en el ámbito tecnológico y de la innovación

El mundo está en constante evolución, antes sólo habían caballos para transporte, ahora tenemos grandes vehículos que ya prácticamente no necesitan siquiera de un conductor porque pueden llegar a ser automáticos. Siempre se está en la búsqueda de la innovación, nuevos inventos tecnológicos y grandes ideas que se hacen realidad. El día de hoy te […]
Amazing Benefits of QR Codes for Tourists

Tourism is a market that allows many useful options, thanks to its different businesses and services. New advances in technology are increasing tourism marketing changes. One of the best examples is the use of QR Codes for tourists. Today we discuss the fantastic benefits that they have for the tourism sector. The tourism industry is […]
Find Out How to Take Advantage of QR Codes In Virtual Events

Many of the events that were scheduled at the beginning of the year had to be canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. For many companies, the digital world was the best solution, planning virtual events for their spectators and attendees. That way, the schedule is keeping on track, and the companies still produce incomes for […]
5 razones para usar tarjetas de presentación virtuales

La tarjeta de presentación es una herramienta que por años ha facilitado la vida de muchos. Sin embargo, posee algunas desventajas. Es muy común que requieras comunicarte con alguna empresa o prestador de servicio y no logres recordar en dónde guardaste el pequeño papel, por ejemplo. Por esto, las tarjetas de presentación virtuales han llegado […]
What is MyQRBC for and what are its advantages?

Get ready to know the MyQRBC application to always have data and information available quickly and accurately, in addition to helping save the planet.