Coca-Cola adaptó sus máquinas dispensadoras con el uso del código QR

En estos tiempos que estamos viviendo nos toca adaptarnos a la “nueva normalidad”, esto implica menos contacto físico con personas y objetos, respetando la distancia social para protegernos unos a los otros del covid-19. Es por eso que Coca-Cola, una de las marcas más grandes y conocidas del mundo, no se ha quedado atrás presentando […]
How To Backup Business Information With QR Codes During Quarantine

During quarantine time, many businesses have to adapt to drastic changes to keep a constant revenue stream. But this is easier said than done, many companies are struggling with these changes and customers too. However, one of the significant peaks about technology is how it can be used to solve problems, so to backup business […]
Find Out How to Take Advantage of QR Codes In Virtual Events

Many of the events that were scheduled at the beginning of the year had to be canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. For many companies, the digital world was the best solution, planning virtual events for their spectators and attendees. That way, the schedule is keeping on track, and the companies still produce incomes for […]
5 Advantages of Using QR Codes in Health Centers

The QR Codes are amazing tools that allow the contactless between different interactions. For a health center, correct prevention in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic is the main goal. That way, the personnel, and patients can be clean and safe of this virus. Learn what the advantages of using QR Codes in health centers […]