Many of the events that were scheduled at the beginning of the year had to be canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. For many companies, the digital world was the best solution, planning virtual events for their spectators and attendees. That way, the schedule is keeping on track, and the companies still produce incomes for their needs and productions. Within the planning process, QR Codes are a great way to help with theses virtual events. Check out how to put into motion one of those!
Virtual events are an excellent alternative in times of COVID-19
Rescheduling an event to fulfill social distancing norms during this COVID-19 pandemic was a quick and easy solution for many companies, especially in the entertainment business. But after many planning, they realized that virtual events are perfect, taking into consideration that many people are at home due to mandatory quarantine.
This way, companies are taking a huge advantage in the use of digitals tools to present virtual events, lessen financial losses, and giving a new trend to the world. Many people are changing into digital to continue the business processes, so it’s fair that the entertainment and other aspects are turning into virtual events.
These are the main advantages of virtual events
Different businesses were already using virtual events as part of their digitalization. They were a mix of physical audiences and streaming the incident to the whole globe. The digital world allows us to be connected even within long-distance, which is the main point in virtual events, allowing people worldwide to enjoy them without traveling. Check out their amazing advantages!
– Flexibility: the digital transformation we are facing right now allows us to access information more flexibly, without the cost of traveling and transportation. This flexibility is useful not just for the attendees but also for the hosts of the event, so companies are starting to use a global approach with these events. Take, for example, One World: Together at Home from Global Citizen, which featured artists from around the world.
– Revenue streams: every company needs stable revenue streams, but in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak finding a way to maintain processes and strategies is a hard challenge. However, those who already had a robust online plan, understand the value in virtual events. Using the digital world to continue marketing and selling products is the best move in these changing times. So, don’t cancel any event, just turn it into a virtual one and keep the revenue streams as stable as ever.
– Lower cost: taking the event into the digital world presents lower price and less logistical management: location is simple, no printers, no catering, and fewer materials. Just focus on the digital tools and the content that will be showcasing in the event. With these lower costs, you can spend on improving the marketing strategy and the products or services that are displaying in the event.
– Technology is the key: in every virtual event, the use of technology is the crucial point. With them, you can present a high-quality event that people around the world can enjoy without taking off their pajamas. Giving an event that showcases many exciting and technological features is mandatory. For example, Samsung introduced its new Galaxy models with a significant online event, using said models to live stream for the entire globe, reducing costs and impressing the users.
– Different events for everybody: when talking about virtual events, you usually can think of showcases, discussions, and concerts. But there are so many more events such as conferences, summits, tutorials, virtual tours, interviews, workshops, and festivals. With all these, any company can generate leads, partnerships, revenue streams, improvement in brand awareness, and solidify their digital position.
QR Codes help with virtual events
QR Codes are an incredible tool to work with before, during, and after a virtual event. There are many ways to use them and we are going to show you some important facts, check them out!
– Ticketing and registration: there are specific designed QR Codes for events, that will allow users to go to a landing page with a personalized call to action (CTA), with this page the most relevant information about the event is displayed with a link to purchase the ticket or to go to the registration website, it will depend on the event nature.
– Marketing platforms: QR Codes work incredibly well in both marketing platforms: print and digital. This implies that using QR codes for the print and digital campaign will present similar event attendance. That way, users can know about the event with magazines or newspapers and, more importantly, through their desktops and smartphones.
– App promotion: many virtual events use apps to enhance the user experience during the said event. But of course, it will come in hand to present the app in advance with the use of App Store QR Codes. This will direct users to the main app store to download the correct app and start using the exciting features it presents for the events. One of the best examples of this new way is the VLive app that offers many features for different events, from showcases to concerts, with one app.
– Virtual reality: one of the new trends within the online events is the use of virtual reality to catch the attention of users and attendees, with interactive panels and exhibitions that allow an exclusive and one of a kind type of event. Of course, to fully enjoy these events, you will need the correct gadgets.
– Feedback: with the use of QR codes, you can get useful feedback, especially for business-related events, that present a form that every viewer can fill out, communicating their experience and opinions about the product or service and even the event itself.
As you can see, even in the middle of a pandemic, people can still enjoy different events and be connected around the world with digitalization. Virtual events are the new norm, and more than ever, they will help present more content to the audience. Check out more amazing information and news about QR Codes with our social media!

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